Monday, October 9, 2023

Ari Glass: A Journey Through Artistry and Storytelling

In the world of art and storytelling, Ari Glass is a rising luminary whose creative process transcends boundaries. Hailing from South Seattle, this self-taught painter, sculptor, and designer combines traditional techniques with contemporary elements, breathing life into his captivating creations. His canvas tells tales of "The King" and "The Kingdom," where the lustrous allure of gold paint or gold-hues plays a pivotal role. This transformative medium, symbolic of royalty and divinity, holds a profound spiritual significance for Glass. As we delve into the artistic journey of Ari Glass, we uncover the inspiration, influences, and aspirations that shape his captivating body of work.

A Creative Foundation

Ari Glass's artistic roots trace back to his upbringing in Seattle, Washington. Surrounded by a rich tapestry of art and design influences, his creative journey began under the tutelage of his mother, a violinist, and later, his father, a jazz musician. The seeds of creativity were sown early in his childhood, and Ari's innate talent burgeoned into a multifaceted skill set as he self-taught across various art forms. His formal foray into the world of art commenced at Seattle Central Community College, where he honed his craft under the guidance of award-winning artists. It was here that he ventured into sculpture and welding, further broadening his artistic horizons.

The Epiphany

A pivotal moment in Ari Glass's artistic odyssey occurred when he encountered a sermon that recounted the story of a King who chose humble abode over a grand palace. This revelation crystallized the purpose of art for Ari and ignited a passionate connection with the stroke of a brush. In his paintings, Ari weaves narratives around "The King" and "The Kingdom," elucidating their sacred significance. Gold paint and gold-hued elements take center stage, symbolizing the timeless ideals of royalty and divinity, which resonate with Ari on a profound spiritual level.

The Black and Tan Hall Mural

A testament to Ari Glass's commitment to artistic unity and community lies in his collaboration with Black and Tan Hall, a nonprofit organization. Together, they embarked on the creation of the "Kingdom Come" mural, adorning the exterior wall of Black and Tan Hall in Seattle's Pioneer Square district. This mural serves as a visual embodiment of unity and the beauty inherent in the communities it represents. Black and Tan Hall, known for its cultural and educational initiatives, aligns perfectly with Ari's vision of using art as a medium for inclusivity and shared experiences.

The Wellspring of Inspiration

For Ari Glass, art is the ultimate vehicle for self-expression and connection. It serves as a conduit through which the inner and outer worlds harmoniously converge, giving birth to something entirely unique. Drawing inspiration from life's diverse facets, Ari remains steadfast in his commitment to open-mindedness and receptivity to new ideas. His daily life, interactions, and encounters with people and places serve as an ever-flowing wellspring of creative influence. Each stroke of his brush is imbued with the intent of making his art not only visually captivating but also profoundly meaningful and inspirational to others.

"The Sun is Made of Gold"

Ari Glass's ascent in the world of art reached a significant milestone with his inaugural solo exhibition, "The Sun is Made of Gold." This showcase featured a selection of oil paintings that narrated the poignant tale of a King without a palace. Instead, this King, a humble shepherd boy, resided in a modest home with his family. His only treasure was the sun, a symbol of his cherished possession. When life tested the King with illness and adversity, he called upon the sun's radiance to return to him. The King's prayers were answered, leading to a miraculous transformation that blessed him with a new palace and unimaginable riches.

A Glimpse Into the Future

As Ari Glass continues to evolve as an artist, he finds himself currently engaged in painting a mural for Hillman City's Black and Tan Hall. Additionally, he is diligently preparing a new gallery space in Georgetown, a testament to his unwavering commitment to artistic exploration. Ceramics, with its captivating three-dimensionality, has recently emerged as a source of fascination and a new medium for Ari. However, his heart remains steadfast in his enduring love for painting, an art form that has defined his journey and will continue to be his artistic cornerstone.


Ari Glass, the artist and storyteller, embodies a creative spirit that seeks to transcend boundaries and connect with the world. His journey, from self-discovery to artistic exploration, has resulted in a body of work that resonates with depth and symbolism. Through narratives of "The King" and "The Kingdom," Ari Glass invites us to ponder the sacred and the divine, all while infusing a sense of unity and community into his art. As he paints the future, Ari's canvas promises to be a tapestry of inspiration, where creativity knows no bounds, and stories unfold in vibrant hues of gold and beyond.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Ari Glass: Unraveling the Artistic Genius of South Seattle

In the vibrant artistic community of South Seattle, one name stands out among the rest - Ari Glass, the visionary painter often hailed as the "Picasso from South Seattle." With an impressive list of accolades and a boundless creative spirit, Ari has carved a unique path in the world of art, leaving an indelible mark on the local and national art scene.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Art Tool Maintenance Essential Tips by Ari Glass


Ari Glass, a renowned visual artist hailing from Seattle, understands the significance of properly cleaning and maintaining art tools. In this article, we delve into valuable tips and techniques shared by Ari Glass to help artists keep their brushes, palettes, easels, and other art tools in optimal condition. By implementing these cleaning and maintenance practices, artists can enhance their creative process, prolong the lifespan of their tools, and ensure consistent and high-quality results in their artwork.