Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ari Glass Uses the Tools Given to Him at Birth to Take Art to the Next Level

Ari Glass is a young, emerging artist from South Seattle. He mostly works with oil paint on canvas using paint brushes, but he also uses innovative forms of media and entertainment in order to make a statement and transform the world of art. Even though painting is his biggest passion and his most important interest, still he manages to find a time and prove his talent in other art fields. From creating new music EP, to designing clothing for his line REVERIE® as well as merchandise and visuals for the Graffiti Village Tour, there is always something interesting happening in his life. This self-thought artist has been creating art since he was a little kid, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that he started to feel comfortable calling himself an artist and doing art shows.

One of the biggest perks of being an artist is that it allows you to look at the world in a different way, and Ari Glass considers himself lucky to be raised in Seattle which is such a creatively nurturing community. The Seattle community embraced his artwork with open arms which makes him even more proud to say that he is from the Rainier Valley district of Seattle. As an artist, Ari Glass finds inspiration anywhere, and his eyes seek out the beauty and wonder in the world around him all the time. Never lacking a sense of creativity, his goal is to spark the viewer’s imagination through his paintings and artwork. Many people don't know his name, but they know his paintings, as he is often referred to as the “Picasso of South Seattle”.

Having all the tools that are available to anyone nowadays have made it possible for artists like Ari Glass to share their ingenious work with the rest of the world, often without having any official gallery show or exhibition. Ari Glass feels blessed to be born and live in a time where there are so many tools to help you show your work off on my own. Even more, he believes that it is the task of his generation to take those tools and use them to make a difference and a positive impact on this world. By putting the power right into the hands of the artist he has managed to get his work out there for other people to see and enjoy it.

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