Thursday, July 13, 2017

Artist Ari Glass on Subversion of Capitalism

On Friday, June 30, at the Peter Lik Soho Gallery in New York City, multimedia artist Ari Glass presented his latest exhibition under the name ‘Zoo Politics’. The exhibition deals with the identity of a man as a political creature, that initially at the time of Aristotle meant something different than what it means today at the time of consumerism. At the opening, Glass also did a performance of ‘O Zoo Politics’.

We live in a state of constant anxiety. The fear of the modern world is the so-called fluid fear caused by the dispersion of ideals, foundations and traditional authorities. Since there is no more pressure from external factors, we’ve learned to create our identity in new ways. We remedy fear with shopping as it makes us happy and gives us the opportunity to be someone new, someone better. We buy a lifestyle, not things. Consumerism has become the main tool for constructing a life narrative that gives meaning to the individual. Because capitalism produces not only goods but also subjectivity, among other things, somewhere in the immaterial production of fulfillment and purpose, the power of the empire is covered. And then what are the possible forms of emancipatory practice hides the utopian potential. Capitalism gives us perfidious instincts of freedom that makes us feel free, although we actually perpetuate what has been imposed upon us. Safeguarding his own rights and freedoms, Glass came up with his own individual way of resisting, where he defends every form of oppression at all times and fights for the idea of freedom.

Through his work, Glass shows just how aware and awake we are. He watches this world and reacts. He does not want to be silent. He wants to show what he sees, to comment and seek a solution. Glass analyzes power relations and identifies the current state of society. Through small subversions, the system opens a space for change. Ari Glass has exhibited his artwork at numerous independent and group exhibitions. As an artist, he expresses himself through various media, from videos and photos to paintings and performances.

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