Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ari Glass unveils golden vision of South Seattle at Pacific Tower

“When it comes to creating a better world I feel like artists are the ones that are going to be in the forefront,” said painter Ari Glass as sun streamed in through the bay windows of Compadre Café on the first level of Artspace Mt. Baker Lofts.

Glass — blinged out in prayer beads and a tiny golden Buddha in a clear teardrop-shaped bead that hung from his neck — greeted me with a hug, though we had never met. I was there to learn more about the new paintings he’ll be unveiling at the Pacific Towers on Thursday, but our conversation quickly veered towards deeper waters.

“A lot of my first show was about migrations,” said Glass. “How did people get to different parts of the world? What’s the unity behind it all? That’s what I’m searching to find behind the artwork, behind the creative process.”... Read more

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