Monday, December 13, 2021

Exploration of Mixed Media Painting Techniques


The world of art is changing. The new and old are meeting, crossing, and creating a new idea that’s beautiful, fascinating, and captivating.

Mixed media painting has this incredibly unique quality that speaks to both the old and new. It captures the beauty of a traditional painting with the power of digital technology. What could be more novel than combining these two mediums into one? The possibilities for creativity are endless!

Here, Seattle-based artist Ari Glass shares some mixed media painting techniques that can spark your creativity.

What is mixed media painting?

The term mixed media painting can be used to describe any art that combines more than one medium, like paint and digital work.

Typically, the artist will start by creating a digital sketch or photo of how they want their painting to look. The sketch may be scanned into the computer and digitally colored, or it may be an original digital image.

After that process is complete, there are many different options for adding traditional media like paint or ink to the finished piece. The artist may use these materials on the traditional canvas-style surface, or they might use them on other surfaces like wood paneling. There are also opportunities for using mixed media painting techniques with 3D printing!

In this world where technology is always evolving, art can't stay stagnant - it needs to keep up, says Ari Glass.

Mixed media painting allows artists to work in a familiar environment while embracing new trends in technology. It's a beautiful combination that produces creations with a captivating blend of old and new.

The History of Mixed Media Painting

Traditional paintings have been around for centuries. From Leonardo da Vinci to the Mona Lisa, artists have been using this medium to capture beauty and life in paint. In fact, some of these paintings are still around today!

But even though traditional painting has been a staple in the art world for centuries, it’s been on a steady decline. Thankfully, mixed media painting is here to save the day.

In the late 1990s, mixed media paintings exploded onto the scene with an entirely new take on art that was captivating and intriguing. The use of digital technology in these pieces lends them a modern edge that traditional paintings don’t always have.

Digital technology offers artists an unlimited number of possibilities when creating mixed media pieces. Digital images can be added to existing paintings or combined with other three-dimensional materials like wood or metal to create something truly inspiring. This mix will make your painting come alive!

For example, mixed media artist Ari Glass also customises his artwork with colors and textures that give it texture and depth—another feature traditional paintings often lack.

Different mixed media techniques

Mixed media painting is a unique art form that combines digital technology with traditional painting. The two mediums come together to create something wholly new and captivating.

The idea behind this painting technique is simple: It takes the old-fashioned medium of oil paint and merges it with modern technologies, like Photoshop. You can digitally edit your work to create a whole new idea or you could paint over an image digitally captured on your computer to transform it into something brand new.

A mixed media artist can experiment endlessly to create their artwork. There are so many options for creativity! One of the most common techniques used in mixed media paintings is layering. This involves adding different textures, colors, shapes, and patterns that complement each other to produce beautiful artwork.


The term "mixed media" refers to the use of two or more types of media in a single composition. In other words, mixed media paintings are created by combining two or more types of materials, such as oil paint and collage, or ink and watercolor.

The history of mixed media painting is a broad and complicated topic. The first known paintings were created by cave dwellers, and these paintings were often mixed media because they used mineral pigments and animal fat as paint.

There are many techniques that can be used to create mixed media art. Some techniques include using paper as a surface for the painting, using graphite as an underpainting for an oil painting, and using acrylic to create a textured surface for a paper collage.

If you want to explore the world of mixed media painting techniques then Ari Glass recommends that you start by reading his blog.

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