Friday, May 13, 2022

Beginners Guide to Oil Painting


There’s a reason why oil painting is the most commonly uses art medium in the world. It’s easier to set up and clean than other types of art. It is also more affordable than some other types of art. If you want to explore different techniques and master your craft, then you should start with oil painting.

Oil painting is an excellent gateway for artists of all levels looking for a simple technique that can be practiced at home. But it’s not as simple as it sounds; there are many things you need to know before you get started. In this post, Seattle-based artist Ari Glass talks more about this fascinating medium and its rewards if you decide to give it a shot.

What is Oil Painting?

In the simplest of terms, oil painting is a form of art that uses oils as its primary medium. This can be stretched on canvas or stretched on a panel. Some artists also use paper as a canvas for their paintings.

Oil paint is a mixture of pigment and a solvent that serves as a binder. This mixture allows artists to combine a wide range of colours to create their desired compositions. Oil paint is durable, but it needs to be stored properly if you want it to last a long time.

The beauty of oil painting lies in its versatility. It allows artists to create a wide variety of compositions, depending on the style and genre they choose. For beginners, oil painting is an excellent way to explore the world of art. It can also be a great hobby that you can pursue as a full-time profession, if you have the talent and dedication.


Benefits of Oil Painting

Easy to Set Up - This is probably the biggest reason why people get into oil painting as their medium. Unlike acrylic painting, oil painting doesn’t require any specific equipment. All you need is a large canvas and oil paint. Oil paint comes in a wide variety of colours, making it ideal for creating a variety of compositions. This makes it an excellent choice for creative types who wish to stretch their artistic wings. There is no need to buy additional equipment, which makes it a lot easier to set up.

Durable - The beauty of oil painting lies in its versatility. As it relies on pigment as a medium, it can create beautiful works of art using a variety of colours. Unlike acrylic paints, oil paints are more durable. You can use them to create works of art that will last for years.



How to Start in Oil Painting

This is where it gets interesting. Before you dive in, you should do a little research on the various methods and styles of oil painting. You can also watch some tutorial videos and follow the tips provided in Ari Glass’ blog to help you get started. Once you have a better idea of what you want your oil painting to look like, it’s time to actually get painting. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to get started.

Prepare - Remember to clean your canvas, brushes, and other supplies before you paint. This will ensure that the end product is clean, rather than oil-soaked.

Mix - Create a thin mixture of oil paint and solvent to create a paint-mixing medium. You can use a clean paintbrush to apply the mixture to your canvas.

Apply - Use a series of strokes to apply the acrylic paint to your canvas. You can either do this manually or use a paintbrush. As you paint, adjust the canvas to create a more pleasing composition.

Clean - Once you’re done painting, you’ll want to clean your canvas and brushes.

Dry - Once the painting is done, you can let it dry for a few days before hanging it up.


Equipment Needed for Oil Painting

Oil paint - This is the main ingredient of your oil painting. You can either buy pre-mixed, or make it yourself using pigments and mixing mediums, explains contemporary painter Ari Glass.

Brushes - Brushes can be made from various materials. Synthetic brushes are the most common type. You can also create your own brushes by blending fibres, pigments, and animal hair.

Canvas - This is the simplest and most common type of canvas. It is usually made of wood or canvas. - Palette - This is an essential tool, especially if you’re mixing your own paints. It is used to blend colours and remove any excess pigment.

Tape - This is used to keep your canvas edges in place. You can get an inexpensive roll of tape, or you can use masking tape.


Tips for Newbie Artists

Practice Makes Perfect - This is the most obvious tip. You won't become a professional oil painter if you don't practice painting. If you're looking to dip your toe into the world of oil painting, try to paint every day. This will help you become as comfortable with the process as possible, which will make you a better artist overall.

Research - Before you get too deep into oil painting, it's a good idea to do some research. Learn the basics, the different styles and methods, the different materials, and more. This will help you narrow down your choices and make better decisions when it comes to choosing a medium.

Lighting - Many artists like to add light to their oil paintings to add depth and make them pop off your wall. You can achieve this by adding a light box, by painting on a dark background, or by adding a texture to your canvas.

Experiment - This is the best way to get better at any art form. Go above and beyond what you thought was possible, and you'll be surprised at the things your mind can come up with.



Oil painting is a popular form of art because it is so versatile. It can be used to create a wide variety of compositions, depending on the style you choose. It is also more durable than acrylic painting and can be done by anyone who has the dedication to pursue it as a hobby. If you want to master this art form, give it a try. It's definitely worth the effort.

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