Monday, February 27, 2023

The Artworks of Ari Glass: Discover the Artist's Inspirational Journey

Ari Glass is an emerging artist and storyteller who seeks to transform the world through his innovative forms of media and entertainment. Originally from South Seattle, this self-taught painter, sculptor and designer blends traditional styles with modern elements. In his paintings that tell stories about "The King" and "The Kingdom", gold paint or gold-hues are his go-to medium. Throughout history, gold has represented royalty and divinity, and for him it is spiritual. The Out of Sight 2016 show in Seattle's King Street Station led to his second art show at the Paramount Theater. About a year ago, Ari Glass had his first solo show, "The Sun is Made of Gold." As a result of encouragement from people, he intends to take his art to a whole new level in the future. Hillman City's Black and Tan Hall is currently being painted by Ari Glass. Additionally, he is preparing a new gallery space in Georgetown. Ceramics' three-dimensionality has recently become his greatest obsession and a new medium for him. Painting remains his main interest, regardless of how much he enjoys and loves sculpting.


What is your artistic background like? How has it shaped your artistic pursuits?

Ari Glass was born and raised in Seattle, Washington where he was surrounded by various art and design influences. His artistic pursuits were developed in the violin studio of his mother, and later by his father who was a jazz musician. Ari was always creative as a child and self-taught in many of the art forms that he has mastered as an adult. His formal art training started in the Seattle Central Community College where he studied under the guidance of award winning artists. There he also learned about sculpture and welding. As a young man, he heard a sermon about a King who chose to live in a modest home instead of a palace. It was here that he discovered the purpose of art, and found his passion in picking up a brush. In his painting, he paints stories about the ideas of “The King” and “The Kingdom” and how these things are sacred. His paintings are the perfect medium to tell these stories that could otherwise go untold. His gold paint or gold-hues is his go-to medium which fits perfectly in his paintings that tell stories about the ideas of “The King” and “The Kingdom”. As a traditional element repeated in history, gold represents royalty and divinity, and for him, it is a spiritual thing.


Your Mural for Black and Tan Hall

A Seattle artist has partnered with a nonprofit to create a public mural in the city’s Black and Tan Hall. The mural, called “Kingdom Come,” will be painted on the exterior wall of the historic building on 1st Avenue in Seattle’s Pioneer Square district. Black and Tan Hall serves as a community center, where people can meet and enjoy cultural activities. The mural, by Seattle-based artist Ari Glass, will depict what the artist describes as “a visual reminder of the unity and beauty of the communities we are a part of.” Glass has partnered with local nonprofit Black and Tan Hall Inc. (BTH) to create the mural. BTH offers cultural and educational programming to the Seattle community. As a nonprofit arts organization, BTH uses the walls of Black and Tan Hall as its canvas. BTH has chosen to paint “Kingdom Come” in a representational style to communicate messages about Black and Tan Hall and the communities it serves.


What inspires you to create art?

Art is a form of self-expression and communication. It is a way of bringing the world together through creativity. When Ari paints, he focuses on bringing together his inner world with the outer world and combining the two into something different and new. Ari is inspired by many things, and for him, it is important to remain open-minded to new things and ideas. He is constantly looking for inspiration in his day to day life and drawing inspiration from people and places that he encounters. When he is painting, he is often thinking of how he can make his paintings more meaningful and inspiring to others.


The Story of "The Sun is Made of Gold"

As a rising star, Ari Glass has made waves with his first solo show. His show called “The Sun is Made of Gold” featured some oil paintings and led to his second art show in the Paramount Theater. His first solo show was called “The Sun is Made of Gold” and featured a few oil paintings. In his paintings, he tells the story about a king who had no palace. In fact, he was just a shepherd boy who lived in a modest home with his wife and family. The king’s only treasure was the sun that he cherished. When the king fell ill and life became difficult, he remembered the sun and how special it was to him. The king prayed to the sun to come back to him, and it did. The king was blessed with a new palace, and with riches beyond his wildest dreams.


Where are you headed in the future?

Ari Glass is currently painting a mural for Hillman City’s Black and Tan Hall. He is also prepping a new gallery space in Georgetown. The three-dimensionality of ceramics has lately become his biggest obsession and a new medium for him. Although he loves and enjoys sculpting, painting remains to be his main interests as it always has been, and always will be.

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