Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Painter of Movement, Sometimes of Dance

After more than twenty group and one two exhibitions, Seattle-based artist Ari Glass once again had his own independent exhibition in Seattle. Namely, from June 9 to June 20, the exhibition "Landscapes of Color" was exhibited at the Captain's Tower, where this outstanding painter, artist, and stylish experimenter presented his impressive canvases.

Ari Glass is a member of NAIA Seattle, he is an organizer of exhibitions, and a member of the Art Forum Soufend Association, where he has participated in a number of group exhibitions on a regular base. His work is acknowledged outside of Seattle and the United States.
He has been invited to international exhibitions in Barcelona, Rome, Milan, Palermo and other European cities. Last year he was part of the team that worked on the book ‘The best Modern and Contemporary Artists’, edited by renowned Italian art critic and painters Salvatore and Francesco Russo. The book promotes new painters, with an overview of some greats such as Hopper, Klee, Cezanne, Dali, De Chirico, Matisse, Picasso and much more.

When placed in a particular class or group, many will say that Glass’ painting belongs to the expressionist-coloristic style, sometimes surrealism or symbolism, although it is more accurate to say that Ari Glass questions all these directions so that through each of these expressions he could get that original emotion that is characteristic for all of his works. Overall, the exhibition visitors were positively surprised by the diversity and dimensions of these canvases, which will stay remembered by many.

The artist's artistic poetics points to a continuation of the painting tradition with accented colorism and expression. Glass’ paintings stand out with their emphasized gesticulation, strong black contour lines and intense color that gives a recognizable note to his landscapes, dead nature and acts. The artist occasionally dives into surrealism and symbolism which possess a special atmosphere, while some paintings borderline abstraction. Lately, Glass has been seriously focused on the realization of a sea motive cycle, where mostly dominate blue and green colors with a number of boats on the surface.

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