Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Extraordinary Artists With A New Solo Exhibition

Ari Glass is a renowned American painter, designer, and musician with an exceptional body of work. His work includes a wide variety of different themes and techniques. Ari Glass started drawing at a young age, and since then he has achieved great success in the art world, exhibiting solo and participating in a number of group exhibitions. And while most artists stress trying to create their work, the fact that Ari Glass is still creating his designs as a hobby ensures that it is something he will continue to enjoy for a long time.

His artwork is characterized by its peculiar compositional technique and trademark use of gold hues. The utilization of modern day technology combined with traditional techniques, allows Ari Glass to create his own fantastic and dreamlike environments. By applying traditional elements, depending on his mood and inspiration, his paintings in fresh, bold colors, reflect feelings, desires, imagination.

Ari Glass is pleased to announce his next solo exhibition comprised of recent paintings as well as collage works on paper. His innovative practice involves utilization of modern day technology combined with traditional, hundreds of year’s old techniques in order to digitally collage appropriated imagery taken from magazines and textbooks drawn into new and captivating compositions. Glass likes to mix things up from time to time, adding new twists and turns that become pleasant discoveries.

In his work, you can clearly see the major influence and deep understanding of art history and design. His delicate attention to contrast and balanced use in components results in aesthetically pure images. His unique aesthetic captivates the viewer time and time again.

This extraordinary artist works with a wide range of art mediums. His favored medium is watercolor and ink, and his color palettes range from earthy tones, shimmering gold to strong vivid colors. He records the process of creation for each heavenly piece, which is bound to please any art lover.

When asked about his art process, Ari Glass says he has sketchbooks with lots of rough design ideas, stored for future use. Once he decides on the subject matter, he spends a day or two sketching and conceptualizing the image. After this, he usually takes a few days to create the design concept, and then takes another couple of days to finalize the image for production. The whole process can take from one week to a month, depending on the project.

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