Monday, February 10, 2020

Art Buying Guide: Tips to help you choose your artwork wisely

In addition to being interested in buying artwork, patience is essential!

If you want to refine your home, it may be time to invest in art - paintings, sculptures or maybe some unusual lamps. The mere thought of original works embellishing homes can cause confusion and sentences that often "spin" their heads - that the works are too expensive, that they find it very difficult to match with the rest of the furniture, and that they are not worth the money.
If we are already allocating money, we should be well familiarized with the matter. In this article, Seattle-based artist Ari Glass suggests some tips that will help you choose your artwork wisely.

 Being up to date

If you are planning to market an artwork (painting, sculpture or author's piece of furniture) in the coming period, first of all, inform yourself about the artists and their work - let this be your starting point! Also, the practice that you should introduce is to go to exhibitions in the city where you live, because in this way you will be in touch with the work of galleries or museums, their offerings and you will surely be at least in the local art streams. Internet as well as travel certainly give you unlimited opportunities to get acquainted with the work of foreign artists. Feel free to expand your interests with questions addressed to gallerists, artists, and if you are ultimately unsure, find an expert who will at least narrow your choices to your sensibilities or artistic taste.

Where to buy artwork

You can buy paintings in galleries, you can find sculptures by contacting the sculptor, but art fairs are also a good solution, and thanks to them you will discover a whole new field of artwork in a short time. One of Ari Glass suggestions is online platforms that sell artworks. They are a great resource for finding artworks - by far the most advantageous.


Determine your payment limit and don't go over it. And here painterAri Glass suggests talking to an expert to have realistic expectations. Because as expensive as it may seem, there are certain things worth investing in.